Crisis of Now : Contemporary Asian Photograph is an exhibition series that takes a close look at contemporary culture and art practice from Asian artists’ perspectives. The exhibitions concentrate on specific pieces of history and life experiences, but also attempt to construct or discover relationships between historical contexts from varied perspectives. Specifically, they make observations either from different geographical locations synchronously, or from the same location at different times. The personal experiences and collective consciousness are linked with multiple historical trajectories charted by the vicissitudinal political and social forces.

Crisi of Now : Contemporary Asian Photograph accompanies the eponymous cooperation between the Ministry of Culture Taiwan and the IDOLONSTUDIO(Union of European Asian Artists) With the support of the Taipeh Vertretung in der BRD in Germany, the Taiwan Academy Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Houston USA, and the Oficina Económica y Cultural de Taipei, Madrid, España and with the cooperation of many partners, in 2018 Beginning in 2020 at the following exhibition sites: Berlin, Germany, New Orleans, USA, and Barcelona, ​​Spain. The future will continue in 2021 and is expected in Torino, Italy and Porto, Portugal in 2022.

The exhibition Crisis of Now : Contemporary Asian Photograph, curated by Chun-chi WANG at the Malzfabrik (6.12.–16.12.2018) in Berlin , Germany, the UNO St. Claude Gallery (University of New Orleans School of Art) (11.12.–14.12.2019) in New Orleans, USA, and the Esplancerda Art and Culture (26.10.–2.11.2020) in Barcelona , ​​Spain.